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Annual Banquet: Our team includes groups of swimmers in similar ages, very possibly go to the same school, and even the same classes. As these swimmers grow, their bond through academic and sport achievements strengthens. Our annual banquet is to celebrate our swimmers, a good ending swimming season and friendship.

Diversity: Our team is an inclusive club, regardless of genders, classes, politics, religions or origins.


Facebook and other social media: We all love to share pictures of our kids having fun during meets or practice on our website. You are welcome to email our coaches your favorite pictures to be published.


Newsletter: Coach’s weekly Facebook post is how you can keep up with the team events.


Parent Meeting: The Club holds a General Membership Meeting at the beginning of the season, during which the Board of Directors may share club information and news, discuss topics of interest, answer questions, and address other club issues. All club members will be notified of a membership meeting at least two weeks prior to each scheduled meeting.


Spirit Wear: The CCST logo and name design will be printed on these items and available for ordering during the season. Please contact the club for new input and feedback about the team spirit wear. At the beginning of the season we will also place an order for personalized team caps.


Team Picture Day: All the Eagless are encouraged to wear the team T-shirts on this day to take a good pose or two by the pool. Forms to order individual pictures are distributed in family folders.


Used swimming gear and suit: Before tossing out your old goggles, fins, kick boards or swim suit, they may be useful to someone else. Please leave them on the upper deck at practice and a staff member will collect them.

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